014 Shaping the future & Patrick Schilling

Sooner or later it had to happen – we had to begin talking in English.
Our first episode in English is with Patrick Schilling who just spent a couple of eventful years.
He studied at NC State University where he delivered the 2018 commencement speech at the graduation ceremony in front of 18 000 listeners. In a few days, he will start a new job with Google in Dublin.
Thus, we had many things to talk about.

If you want to connect with him or follow his social media – check out the show notes


Email: ptrck.schilling@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/patrick.schilling.92
Instagram: @pschill_94
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pschill/
Twitter: @pschill_1994


Irgendwann musste es passieren, eine Folge in englischer Sprache.
Patrick hat ereignisreiche Jahre hinter sich.
Nachdem er in Reutlingen angefangen hat International Management zu studieren, vollendete er sein Studium an der North Carolina State University.
Er verbrachte mehr als zwei Jahre in Amerika und war bei der Abschlussfeier seiner  Bachelor der Redner vor 18 000 Studenten. In einigen Tagen beginnt Patrick seinen neuen Job bei Google Dublin.

Es gibt also einiges zu berichten.

Hört rein.

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